Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Natural Make-up is essential!

I am sure that you have seen my picture and noticed that I am not wearing make-up. I am not going plain-faced as a form of protest against cosmetic companies. I am just too lazy to take the time out of my day and go through the process of putting it on. I do wear make-up if I am taking pictures or going someplace really special. I have never been a girly girl, as lack of finances kept me from creating a habit when I was young and in college. Old habits do indeed die hard.
But, getting back to the more important discussion is that of the toxicity in make-up. How many hours per day do women wear make-up? Do you know that our skin is an organ? It lives and allows things in and lets things out. Toxins are released from our body through sweat. Where do the toxins go when our skin is covered in products? Things that we put on our skin are absorbed over a period of time, depending on the content of what we put on it. Think about this. If you put a fentanyl patch on your chest to relieve chronic pain, it will be released over a period of time into your skin and it goes to your blood stream. That is when the effect of the drug on the body takes place. So, what do you think would happen if you put make-up on your face that contains chemicals that you know not of? Your body absorbs the chemicals from it and those chemicals go into systemic circulation. So, now your heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs are exposed to something that you put on your face.
What do you do? You should buy cosmetic products that are natural or organic that come from trusted sources. I have used Bare Minerals in the past and I really liked it because it was light and did not clog my pores. I have to do more research to find out if it is as natural as the owners say that it is. Right now, I use products by Nicole Miller. My business has a line of products by her that are safe for your skin and natural. You can request information from me about these products. I don't sell them, but I can get you connected where you can purchase them online or by phone. Just click on I am also interested in hearing what other people are using for cosmetic products. God bless you!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Why in the world would this country allow bleach to remain on the shelves. I can't remember how many times I heard of some child drinking bleach out of a cup that they thought had water in it. How many times have I intentionally or unintentionally spilled bleach on jeans or other clothing and seen the color change drastically from dark to white. Not only that, I have seen the bleach put holes in my clothing after they were washed. What would that bleach do to my lungs if I inhaled it through a dishwasher in the drying phase? What would happen if I mixed it with other cleaners while disinfecting my home? Did you know that if you mix even a little bleach in your dishwater that a harmful chemical is produced as a result? How many times have I done that before I owned a dishwasher in order to disinfect all of the germs? Or have you ever washed down your counter tops with bleach after you had used other chemicals to clean them? The smoke must have been a sight to see and I am sure that your lungs did not appreciate it. Why is it that when you clean your bathroom with the bathroom cleaners that it usually irritates the throat? Your eyes will burn and some of us have had difficulty breathing. How is it that when you walk down the isle in the grocery store that has the household cleaning products, you can smell them? I will tell you why. Plastic does not keep the gases from escaping the container. So, what do you think is happening in your home when you have these products in your cabinets?
We wonder why so many stay-at-home-mothers are stricken with cancer. Just think about it. We stay at home with our children. We clean our homes and we inhale all of the chemicals that we use and store. We put on toxic makeup products so that we can look good for our husbands. We spend much more time in the house than outside during certain seasons. We develop rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia syndrome, asthma, sarcoidosis, breast cancer, and the list goes on.
I stumbled across some great products in the midst of the crisis and was able to turn my home into a safe haven. If my baby were to get into anything in my cabinets, I will not have to worry. The poison control center already knows our products and usually says just give the child plenty of water. No harm will be done. My motto in my child-rearing is "Do no harm." I loved the products so much that I decided to refer a few friends and family members. Now that I am home with my baby, I am using it to bring income into my home. I am helping people improve their lives and live their dreams. Check out to see the products that I use. Go to to learn more about what I do and request more information. I will set you up on a webcast and get you up and running to be a customer or a business partner with me. Please tell me what you do to make your home a safer place. God bless you.

Toxic home

I can honestly say that my home was a toxic waste dump. My body was telling me. My son was telling me in subtle ways. And finally, I got a notice in the mail from my town confirming what I knew in my mind, but did not do anything about. I had chronic migraines and was on anti-seizure medication to control them, yet I would have breakthrough pain about 10 days out of each month. So I took migraine medicine. I had rashes on my skin that no dermatologist could explain. I had mild asthsma issues which required me to puff on two inhalers. My eyes were always puffy and burning. I suffered from fatigue and aches and pains. Yet, I was in picture perfect health when my lab work was reviewed by my doctor.
Now, I want to go back to the notice I received from my town. This notice was informing all the residents of the dates to discard household hazardous waste. Should you have hazardous waste in your home? I read on the list of items that we could bring. There was non-oil based paint cans, paint thinners, household cleaner bottles (what?) pesticides, etc. That was frightening to me because I had almost all of those things and more inside my house. I gathered together all of the items that were toxic in my home and went to the collection site. You would not believe what I saw. I saw people in HAZMAT suits taking the items from people's trucks and cars. If they are wearing those suits, should we have those things in our homes? God forbid.
Miraculously, I received a phone call from an acquaintance asking me to hear a presentation about natural products for the home and body. That was perfect timing. The presenter went down the list about all of the products that the company had and how toxic most of what we had was on our shelves in our homes and in the grocery stores. I became a member of this wellness company and have had products delivered to my door for three years now. I am committed to dealing with each of the products from time to time and I will reference my company, because I now own my own business.
Today, I feel so much better, physically and mentally. I give thanks to God for showing me this company. I would love to show you the products and the business if you desire. Please go to my website at Request more information from me and then I will set you up with a full presentation. Thank you and I look forward to your comments and requests. God bless!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Peace in or peace out!

There is nothing in this world like a peaceful home. I am a firm believer that my home should be a place of refuge. It should be a safe place to come to after being out in the society working, shopping, and being in the hustle and bustle. Home is where you can kick off your shoes and relax and be yourself. Home is where it is okay to wear what you want to and to be as comfortable as you desire. Happiness fills the atmosphere in my home. The presence of God is all around and obvious in our home. We had our home blessed and are determined to keep in that way.
I love to entertain in my home. I love to provide a hot meal and good conversation. I love the sound of laughter. I just like to see people enjoy themselves. Every now and then I get someone to bring negativity and drama in and I just have to say, "Peace out!" If you are not bringing it in you will take it out. I want the peace to stay, so the offender must go. Again I say, "Peace out!" I may not be so blunt as to say "get out" but I will let the person know that I am not feeling well and need to be alone. It is true. I don't feel well when there is no peace. This rule applies even with my loved ones. There are times when I have to tell my son to go for a walk. That gives me time to pray for peace. When my husband and I find ourselves in intense fellowship, I try to leave when can't resolve it. I am not running away. I just value the peace that resides. I know my husband well enough to know that he would pray for restoration and resolution.
The bottom line is that peace is precious in the home. We should make it our business to do everything that we can to create that environment in our homes and make vows to do everything possible to keep it. We have to decree and declare peace in our homes when we pray. We have to command any thing or anyone who distorts the peace to go. Listed below are a few tips that one can use to keep the peace:

1. Have monthly family meetings. This time can be used to discuss the budget, family needs, vacations, disagreements, desires, inappropriate behaviors, etc. Children can be included in these meetings, so make sure that there is sensitivity in the discussion. If there is a need sooner than one month then an emergency meeting should be called. Make sure to begin and end the meeting with prayer.
2. If you find that you are headed toward and intense fellowship with your spouse or another adult, go out in public to a coffee shop or a restaurant. It is easier to discuss things peacefully when a bunch of people are around. This will avoid yelling and getting everyone involved in your business. If you can't go out, go to the dining room table or the family room. Never argue in the bedroom. That is a place of intimacy. It should never be associated with a knock down drag out fight.
3. Have regular family and personal prayer time. Every one should come together daily to pray and each person should be encouraged to come with a prayer request for themselves or someone or something else. Make sure to pray with your children nightly before they go to bed.
4. Order and structure is very important for children in a household. This one may be up for debate, but most people need it. Have homework time, dinner time, bath time, reading time, prayer time, tv time, and bedtime. One should stick to a schedule as often as possible. It keeps the flow going.
5. Play soft music or worship music often. Music can change an atmosphere in a space.
6. Respect each other and teach your children to do the same. It is important for wives to respect their husbands. Men need it more than love. It is in the bible!
7. Love each other with words and action. Hug your spouse and children and tell them that you love them daily and often each day. It is important for husbands to love their wives. We need lots of it. It is also in the bible.

I have not exhausted the list of ways to create peace in the home. I am not an expert. I am just a woman, a wife, a mother, a homeowner, and a lover of the Lord among many things. I would love to hear how you keep peace in your homes and would love to read your comments. God bless you.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How it all started....

I bought my home in Manchester, CT five years ago. I know that it was definitely a gift from God. I had been searching properties with my real estate agent for 3 weeks, which is not a long time. Except, I had only 1 more week to make a decision about signing a new 1 year lease in the current apartment complex that I was staying at. Every home I tried to put a contract on had multiple offers and my offer was not accepted. My son was away with his father for the summer and I was pressed to get a move on before he came back for school. I prayed and asked God to help me and He did.
One day I was surfing the internet and ran across a website called It was a place where homeowners could list their homes without a real estate agent. On the first page, three houses down, stood the edifice which we currently reside. I knew when I first saw that house that it was where I was suppose to live. It was priced slightly higher than the houses that I was looking at, but was still under the amount that I was preapproved for. I contacted the owner and they agreed to let me see it that evening, but I was on my way to Boston for a three day business meeting and leaving late at night would not have worked for me. I contacted the owners and pleaded with them to see me earlier so that I could leave town in peace. They agreed.
I must say that they were shocked to see this very young looking African American female step out of a brand new Grand Prix GT dressed like the business professional that I was. I guess my voice was very deceiving on the phone. The home was neat and pristine on the outside. The yard was neatly manicured and there was nothing but healthy growth all around. When I entered in and looked at the place, although it was not my style, I saw the vision of my things being there. It was a decorators dream!
Once I looked at every room in the house, we sat down and talked business. They under-priced the house because they were motivated to sell it. They showed comparisons of other split-level homes in the area and indeed the price was lower. Once I made my decision to purchase, they asked me, "Are you sure that you can afford this?" I was offended by the question because I wondered why they would think that. I went through my files and pulled out the pre-approval and wrote a check for $2000.00 for the deposit. "Yes. I can afford to buy your home and the bank believes I can too." They accepted my offer and several weeks later, I closed on the home.
I was nervous about the payments, but I knew that if the good Lord brought me to this, he was going to bring me through it. I made arrangements with friends to do the necessary painting before the furniture would be delivered. My mother and I packed up all of the things in my apartment and the movers did the rest of the work. My first night there was strange because it was a new environment that I not used to. I am a city girl and I went from a massive apartment complex community to a quiet neighborhood with a house on lots of land and woods and small trees on three sides of my property. All I could hear was crickets and the white noise of the nearby freeway. There were no children playing outside and really no signs of life after the work and school hour rush.
I found a place to worship in Hartford,CT and asked my new Pastor to come and bless the house. I cooked up a spread of food and invited the entire congregation and all of my friends to come and participate in this blessing. And when it was all over and the place was cleaned, I could feel the peace of God residing. I could feel His presence in every room of the house. I could sing praises and songs of worship to the Lord and feel myself soaking up His presence.
So, I urge you that if you have not had your home blessed and peace spoken over it to make sure you ask your Pastor or a minister to do it. This is fundamental in everything else that you do for your home. Create a space for prayer, praise, and worship. Make the Lord feel welcome in your home. After that, you can decorate and renovate!!!!